Breathe easier. And shrink your cleaning bill.
I built and honed my organizing and de-cluttering skills through my health-based cleaning service specializing in allergies and asthma.
My approach has always been shrinking clutter, collaborating with clients. With the goal of streamlining deep, detailed cleaning.
In my newer healthy home services I continue to offer de-cluttering and organizing. Mostly virtual support at this time.
Gradually pare down to what’s essential, as you define it. And get the lowdown on how to work with cleaning services.
Shrink your bedroom-cleaning time
Got environmental allergies or asthma, and sleeping inches from heavy dust? You’re far from alone. But relief is do-able! Reach out for support on any of the following.
De-clutter your entire bed area. So your help can instantly strip, vacuum, and flip your mattress. And vacuum the frame and entire floor under.
Streamline cleaning in rest of the room. Here are a few starter ideas.
- Pets stay out, if you’re allergic to them. If that’s out of the question, the other steps on this page will still help somewhat.
- Roller shades or washable curtains vs heavy drapes. Or verticle blinds vs horizontal.
- Covered shelves to streamline dusting, vs open, cluttered ones. At least by your bedside. Glass if you wish to display.
- Bare floor, or area rug. A small-to-medium rug can be quickly vacuumed on both sides. Just don’t pin it under an too-heavy bed! On the other hand, many indoor air experts recommend bare floors, period.
Schedule thorough cleanings every week. For the bed, that means vacuuming the mattress, and changing the sheets. Then covering the bed. And finally, damp-dusting and thoroughly vacuuming the entire room.
Root out hidden hazards
I’ve sometimes uncovered pests, mold and toxic hazards when clearing out clutter, and nipped these in the bud.
For more exensive problems, I can recommend local specialists.
Get help with more spots throughout your home
Among other types of de-cluttering projects I’ve worked on are the following. Re-organizing has often followed.
- Making under kitchen sinks functional again. And catching leaks!
- Weeding out refrigerators and a pantries. Ditching expired foods. Then re-organizing what remains, adding easier-to-read expiration dates. With a big clean-out in between, changing shelf liners as needed.
- De-cluttering an over-stuffed study. Then deep-vacuuming every last nook, cranny and crevice. Shredding bags of sensitive papers. And replacing only what the client wanted to keep.
- Transforming cleaning closets.
- Completing a big home cleaning detox. Major de-dettering and reorganizing!
Calling in more help
While I specialize in smaller projects for allergies and asthma, I often refer bigger jobs to Professional Organizers.
Among my favs is Debra Baida at Liberated Spaces, who works virtually and onsite. Her pioneering service has been named Best organizer in San Francisco Magazine’s annual Best of SF issue and is one of the first Certified Green Businesses in San Francisco. Check out her blog that invites you behind the scenes!
Shrink your cleaning bill!
Did you know— de-cluttering can cut cleaning time up to half or more. A cluttered bedroom can take forty-five minutes to three hours to clean thoroughly, whereas a simple one can take fifteen or so.
Shrinking your cleaning needs is the most cost-effective way to go.