This website contains information I have gathered regarding choices you can make that can help you take care of your house and home while protecting your health and safety.
I am not a medical doctor nor health expert, and not giving you medical advice. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. Individual results may vary.
On this website I am simply sharing with you knowledge I have gained from extensive research and personal experience, which has helped me and others I know protect our health. I believe if you apply the information on this website in your own life, you can protect your health too, but to do so is entirely your choice and the consequences of doing so, or not, are entirely your responsibility.
Whether any product mentioned on this website will work in a specific situation depends on many factors, so individual results will vary and are therefore not guaranteed to work. Plus, on this website I may make suggestions for using products in ways other than those for which they were originally intended. Because government regulations do not allow manufacturers to recommend their products for certain uses without laboratory proof that they are indeed safe and effective for such uses (and then procuring government approval of the results), these alternative uses are not necessarily approved by the manufacturer.
This website is designed to serve people with different interests, budgets, medical conditions, and lifestyles, and as such it may occasionally make recommendations that are not appropriate for you. At these times, simply make an individual choice, and remember that the purpose of this website is to make you aware of ways to create a safer, more practical home.
Because your body and home are unique, you alone must make the decisions regarding how you take care of them. My intent in providing this website is simply to offer you information that will help you make your own choice to be as healthy as you can possibly be. Neither I nor my Affiliates will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom.